Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Which is greater --- human relationship or blood relationship?

No other living things on earth except man have the power of reasoning. It is obvious that he alone has intelligence. Hence he is greater than all other creations. (He was in the Mind of God, the Creator and was rendered life with "flesh and blood").
Obviously seen, man is interdependent on one another. He is born as an individual, but compels to live in society.
Man was not created alone, but with a helpmate – wife, to share his joy and pain both physically and mentally. Circumstances made man enlarge his population and define the enlargement as "relationship". Man begins his population with family, the microcosmic society, and extends to a greater dominion, the macrocosmic society.
Initially, man is trained to live in family, which is micro-cosmic domain, and is brought to the larger society, which macro-cosmic empire. In micro-cosmic domain, man learns the way how to enter the macro-cosmic empire. It is a logical analysis that family is a small-knit of individuals who are interdependent on one another, for these individuals ought to know the ideal of greater unity among one’s fellow-beings on earth.
But it is sad to say that this micro-cosmic bond has let in the philosophy "blood is thicker than water" justifying it with biological explanations. Time and again, this philosophy has strongly been rooted deep into the unseen power of reasoning which is claimed as the sole possession of every human being living on earth.
A man is bound to a woman in marriage. The bond made in marriage builds a sort of relationship. In due course of time, a third individual joins this relationship. Here beings "blood" relationship which may or may not extend. There is nothing wrong in establishing "blood", for it is quite natural and forgiving. In "blood" relationship, genes play a vital role in the making of strong bonds which may or may not be healthy.
Of course, "blood is thicker than water", however, when money and status creep into "one’s blood", "water" becomes thicker, and ‘blood" relationship turns "money and status" relationship. The "in-laws", "uncle-aunt", "cousin", "nephew – niece" relationships may possibly be corrupted by means of lucrative gain.
What if strangers are forced to build "relationship" amongst them? Building relationship with strangers is out of compulsion in order to seek "moral" support in an alien atmosphere. Helping hands may extend amongst them, but those helping hands have "restricted hearts". Possibly seldom occurs in continuing this relationship among a few awhile. (Time alone can justify it.)
Human relationship never seeks "blood" (family descent), "friendship" and "selfish intimacy" with others (even strangers), etc. It surpasses all these mundane bonds and establishes fraternity among fellow-beings irrespective of all so-called limitations of individual and social existence on earth.

Human relationship believes in equality in existence, equality in sharing rights, equality in using wealth, equality in every point of life, nullifying theoretical and practical concern over selected individuals and groups practicing charity one another giving no way to emergence of baseless difference and discrepancies among human beings. Human blood is RED.
If individuals recognize one another, human relationship is built. Recognition of one another’s joy and pain; recognition of one another’s needs and recognition of one another’s individuality strengthen human relationship. No one can deny "blood is thicker than water."
Human relationship surpasses material bonds such as religion, caste, creed, language, money and status, etc.
A labourer with his wife and their sick baby traveled 40 kilometers from his village to show their child to a child specialist. There was a long queue. Seconds transform to minutes, minutes transform to hours. It was his consultation. The "doctor" examined the sick baby. Diagnosis was over in seconds. "My diagnosis is still in pending. It takes another 24 hours. Come tomorrow." The labourer said," Sir, we traveled 40 kilometers. How is it possible? We’re poor." "But you must stay tonight." The "doctor" ordered. The labourer asked, "Where?" "Anywhere". It was the shout of the "doctor". Where is human relationship? If the labourer were the "doctor’s" "blood" relationship, the matter would turn affirmative. The "doctor" himself would have accommodated the labourer and his family. If the labourer were a rich man, he would not have any concern over accommodation. To persons like the "doctor", "blood is thicker than water."
Logical reasoning and human consideration are required to justify "which is greater --- human relationship or blood relationship?" Justification of greatness lies in human relationship and this ought to be established. Groundless arguments must be curtailed that human understanding can be realized by everyone. Materialistic thinking can be nullified that humanistic approach will be established for an ideal sojourn by every individual on earth.

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