Friday, February 20, 2009

The Plan Of God

The Plan Of God

He was traveling in the train bound for Springfield. The rattling sound of the wheels was breaking the silence, but not the journeying sleep of the passengers. His heart beat faster than the rattling wheels.
“Sir, where do you come from?” He opened a question to his fellow traveller.
“From Winowhere. You?”
“Me too the same.”
“Sir, what’s your name?” The fellow traveller inquired his name.
“Tenshis. Yours?”
“Stranman”, the fellow traveller answered.
“Where are you going?” Tenshis inquired Stranman.
“To Springfield,” Stranman promptly answered. “You?”
“Me? The same.” Tenshis too was prompt in answering.

Meanwhile a train vendor passed Tenshis and Stranman, selling cartoon pictures for children.
“Hello, sir,” Called Tenshis.
“Here am I, sir,” the vendor reached Tenshis.
“Show me those cartoon pictures.”
Tenshis looked at some and picked three pictures.
“Sir, how much?”
”Each ten rupees.” The train vendor said.
Tenshis paid ten rupees to the vendor.
“Sir, don’t you buy some pictures?” Tenshis asked Stranman.
“No, sir.”
“I bought these pictures for my immediate future baby.” Tenshis expressed his joy.

Tenshis and Hopewill had been married 16 years and 10 months before. “Folks” had chased them out yet God had been with them handling the couple mercifully through His people.
Tenshis had always a tender heart. The Word of God had absorbed him. This tender heart had made him marry a girl who had been left an orphan by her “living parents” (but now both her “parents” are really no more.)
Tenshis and Hopewill had started their life from “rich poverty” for the Heavenly support had always been with them.
Maybe it was God’s plan to keep Hopewill’s womb shut awhile for His miraculous wonder. Tenshis and Hopewill had been children to each other feeding the needy as much as they could.
The “folks” had taken the extreme possibilities to break their heavenly-made bond, but never to break it. The world had forsaken them, but not the Creator. God had been always been their first ONE.

They had longed for a baby, but the right time had not yet come. This longing for a baby had been a continuing process and they couldn’t understand God’s plan; for them. They waited… they waited…

Tenshis was carrying a cell phone through which he could communicate with his wife at Springfield. Tenshis’s heartbeat sounded faster than the rattling sound of the wheels. The train swayed like cradle, but the cradling did not cherish Tenshis for his mind had been obsessed with the thoughts of his carrying wife and the baby who was to be born.

“Stranman, today I’m thrilled. “ Tenshis could not control himself.
“Why, sir?”
“I’m to get a baby.” Tenshis was rejoiced saying.
“It’s after 16 years and 10 months of our marriage.”
“Really fantastic!” Stranman was amazed.
“It’s God’s will.” Tenshis stressed on God’s part of creation.
“When is it due?” Stranman inquired.
“Who’s with her?”
“But God. Her elder brother has always been her moral support.”
“Her folks?” Stranman anxiously inquired.
”Oh, no, they’re dead.” Tenshis said flatly.
“Your folks?” Stranman inquired further.
“Oh. My “folks! They’re cruel and stony-hearted.” Tenshis could not control his suppressed grief.

Tenshis called his wife over his mobile phone. Ringing was being heard.
“Hello, I’m Hopewill.” The voice of Hopewill was heard.
“Hopewill, how are you? How is your health? Did you go for checking? Did Samtran visit you?” Tenshis inquired his wife in tensed mind.
“Oh, I’m fine, but experiencing a slight pain at the lower abdomen.”
“Go to doctor.” Tenshis advised Hopewill.
“Yes, in the evening with Samtran.” Hopewill’s voice was heard over the cell phone.
Tenshis’s heart beat faster than that of the launched rocket into the sky.
He had to spend the day and night sleeplessly, brooding over the travail with loneliness experienced by Hopewill. Yet he continued praying to his Maker for His loving support both to the mother and the baby in.

Callous to Tenshis’s anxiety over his Hopewell and the baby in, the train continued puffing up towards Springfield, and its duty was to run on wheels.
“Stranman, where are we now? Tenshis’s anxiety rose.
“Nearly three hours to reach.” Prompt was the answer.

“Hopewill, how are you now?” Tenshis spoke over his mobile phone.
“We’re in the hospital. The pain has started. Samtran is with me. God is always with us. Don’t worry.” Optimistic response came from the other side.
“What did the doctor say?” Tenshis’s anxiety doubled.
“She said she’d give me medicine to boost the travail.” Hopewill’s voice trembled.
“God is always with us. Bear it for God’s sake.” Tenshis’s encouraging words touched Hopewill’s heart.

Tenshis looked at his watch. It showed half-past eight. He had no appetite. The train halted at Anxire station half-an-hour. Platform vendors ran up and down close to the windows of each compartment. Tired passengers filled their stomachs with platform breakfast. Tenshis’s mind was obsessed with Hopewill’s experiencing travail.

“Hopewill how is it now?” Tenshis’s anxiety rose.
“Tenshis, it is severe. The doctor said delivery takes place in an hour.” Reply came from the other side.
With mind loaded with the thoughts of Hopewill and the baby within, Tenshis took himself back to his seat as the train had started. His mind was restless and was calling Hopewill over his cell phone intermittently and inquiring of her condition. It was half-past eleven.
“Hopewill, how are you? Is the baby born?” A person like Tenshis could only understand Tenshis’s anxiety.
“Not yet. The doctor said one O’ clock. Samtran is with me. Our neighbourhood women are at my side. Above all God is with me.” Reply of Hopewill was heard.

Tenshis’s mind raced back. Life to the couple of Tenshis and Hopewill seemed struggling, yet has been smooth by His heavenly touch..
“Tenshis, your “folks” did not treat me well. They always lashed their contempt at me. Did you know I had not eaten well? They said, ‘I do not earn and I’ve come from rags.” Complained Hopewill tearfully.
“Hopewill, don’t worry. They do not call us, but by God. He is always with us. He never forsakes us. But bear this pain awhile.” Comforted Tenshis.

Tenshis’s mind was stirred back by a sudden jerk of the train. All of a sudden the train halted. He looked at his watch. It showed one O’ clock.
“Hopewill, is the baby born?” anxiously enquired over the phone.
“Not yet. Oh! Unbearable the travail.” Painful reply came from the other side.
“Who’s beside you?”
“The Lord, Samtran, the doctor and the attendants.
“Tell the doctor to take the baby out.”
“She said an hour could be waited.” It was the reply of Hopewell.
“What do others say?” Tenshis inquired.
“What can others say?” Hopewill had been given local anesthesia, and she could see what was happening. She was wriggling and twisting her whole body out of travail. She cried out,” Christ Jesus, save me, save my child. We’re yours. Do not forsake us. Nobody but You are with me.” Tears rolled down her cheeks. Hopewill’s tears stirred Tenshis’s mind, and he wept bitterly thinking of Hopewill’s lonely struggle with life for her first baby.

Tenshis cursed his “folks” who had stony heart, and their callousness towards the loneliness of a pregnant child expecting her first issue. Those “folks” had never cared of her since the time of her conception. They had never suggested timely and nutritious diet. They had never bothered of the baby within who had been conceived after 16 years and 10 months of Tenshis and Hopewill’s marriage.

The train was still at rest Tenshis looked outside through the window. A She-goat was feeding her newly born baby. The other goats were standing around the mother and the baby. Suddenly a child’s cry came within his compartment. Tenshis looked in. It was a three-month old baby. The mother took the baby and gave it to her mother. Immediately
Tenshis’s heart melted. “Oh, Hopewill has lost her mother. Nobody is at Hopewill’s side to receive the child.” Tears welled in his eyes.
The train shrieked and slowly took speed. Tenshis looked at his watch. It was Three O’clock.
“Hello, who’s speaking?” Tenshis enquired. Not Hopewill but some had lifted the cell phone from the other side. “It’s Samtran. Hopewill has been taken to operation theatre.”
“What?” Tenshis rose in anxiety.
“Nothing. But the baby has to be taken out with caesarean surgery.” Samtran tried to convince Tenshis.
“What? Why?” With anxiety and agony Tenshis enquired.
“If not, the lives of both turn dangerous.” Samtran flatly ascertained.
“Ok, then continue.” Tenshis surrendered to the words of Samtran.
“Speak to the doctor directly” Samtran said.
Immediately Tenshis called the doctor on line.
“Hello, doctor. I’m Hopewill’s husband. Please save both the mother and the child.
“Sir, we tried for normal delivery, but maybe it’s God’s plan that the child has to be taken out through caesarean. Actually the baby’s head gets struck at the mother’s pelvic bone. The pelvic bone is slightly small in size.” The doctor explained to Tenshis. And Tenshis had to believe whatever the doctor had said.
“Ok, madam. Proceed with your surgery. The Lord is with us.” Tenshis finally spoke.

Hopewill had been experiencing an unbearable travail for about 12 hours.
“Oh! Jesus, save me, save my child. Let my tears reach Your Feet. Samtran, be with me. It’s a fatal pain.” Cried out Hopewill.
“Nothing will happen. You both will be saved. God is with you. I told the doctor to take the child out.” Consoled Samtran

Hopewill was taken to the operation theatre. She was lying on the bed, wriggling in pain. Still she was lying half-conscious, bearing the agonized travail for the sake of her first baby.
Tenshis’s mind paced to and fro beside Hopewill’s bed. His total being was with Hopewill and the baby to come out. His body laws simply oscillating in the running train.

Hopewill was given anesthesia. The wriggling body suddenly turned motionless. The surgeon and her attendants were ready with the instruments. After a short prayer the surgeon took the surgical instruments and started her surgery.
Samtran was pacing to and fro outside the threatre. Neighborhood women were also waiting outside as a moral support.

The train was nearing the destination. Tenshis looked at the watch. It was fifteen minutes to four. Having curiosity coupled with anxiety, Tenshis called Samtran.
“Samtran, is the baby born?”
“Surgery is going on.”
Tenshis switched off his mobile phone. His mind denied patience, and was troubled in anxiety. He looked at his watch. It was nine minutes to four.
“Samtran, is the baby born?”
“Ten, the baby is born. Here’s her cry. Hear it.
The child’s cry entered Tenshis’s heart over the mobile phone.
Tenshis’s joy had no bounds. His heart romped in joy. Immediately he donated a copy of the Bible that he had had to Stranman.
Tenshis prayed to Father in Heaven:
“Dear Father in Heaven, thank You very much. Protect the mother. Protect the child. The child is Yours. The Child is Your Gift. God’s Gift!”

“Samtran, how is Hopewill?” Tenshis immediately inquired.
“She is fine, but unconscious due to the effect of anesthesia.” Samtran comforted.

Thirty minutes passed. Hopewill recovered consciousness.
“Madam how is my child? Did she cry? Is she all right? Does she have good eyesight? Does she have healthy arms and limbs? Is she healthy in all respects?” Hopewill inquired the doctor seriously.
“Yes, Hopewill, everything is fine. She’s all right in every respect. Really the child is God’s Gift.” The doctor reassured the health of the child.
“Madam, give me my child. I want to feed her.”
The child was taken to the breast of Hopewill. The child was breastfed for the first time. In every suck by the child Hopewill was experiencing joy that had no bounds. She felt she was in Heaven, because God had rewarded her ultimately.

The train touched the platform no. 3. It took nine minutes to halt. Tenshis had no patience, and so taking his belongings he ran first to the door to get down. The train made a final shriek. No sooner did the train halt than Tenshis jumped onto the platform. He hurried to hire an auto.
On his way, he called Hopewill:
“Hello, Hopewill, how are you? How is the child?”
“By the Lord’s grace, we’re fine.” Hopewill was seen pleased through her reply.

Hopewill called the doctor:
“Madam, give my child to Samtran who is everything to us, next to God. Call him here.”
Samtran was called. He stood beside Hopewill’s bed.
“Samtran, receive my child.”
Hopewill’s eyes were shrouded with tears. “Thank you, Samtran.”
Her heart was overwhelmed with gratitude.
The neighbourhood women were all moved in emotion. The whole of the hospital was filled with sensational emotion.

Tenshis, sitting in the auto, pressed driver to ride faster than his heartbeat. He took his cell phone:
“Hopewill, are you all right? Is our child all right? I am on way to see you both.”
His anxiety had no bounds.

It was twelve minutes to five. The auto screeched in front of the hospital. Thrusting the fare into the hands of the driver, Tenshis rushed to the maternity ward all the way carrying anxiety with him to see the God’s Gift.

“Hey! The God’s Gift! My Darling! Hopwell, how are you both?” An ineffable joy felt in Tenshis’s face. He took the child in his arms and imprinted a thousand kisses on the cheeks of the child. Holding the baby in the arms, Tenshis enquired Hopewill:
“Now, how are you? Are you pleased with God’s Gift? God has ultimately answered our prayers. He has turned the barren land to the land of fertility. Let’s resolve to bring up the God’s Gift in His ways.” Tears of joy rolled down the couple’s cheeks.
“Hopewill, as you had in mind, our God’s Gift shall be named as ‘Godsano.’ Tenshis recalled Hopewill’s words.
“Thank you very much, Samtran. We owe you a lot. God bless you.” Tenshis offered gratitude to Samtran. Joy danced everywhere around.

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